What You Should Know Before Choosing a Chiropractor
A chiropractor is a doctor who detects and corrects structural imbalance or distortion in the human body by manual or mechanical means for the purpose of removing nerve interference and the effects thereof. The most commonly treated areas by a chiropractor is neck and back, although the chiropractor will look at the entire body to detect overall structural imbalance or misalignment. It is easy to imagine a knock knee affecting the alignment of the affected leg, and therefore the low back.

There are subspecialties of chiropractic, such as rehabilitation, pediatric, nutrition, neurology and even veterinary in some states. Chiropractic specialties available vary depending on the state.
Although typical medical treatment is fairly standardized, chiropractic treatment can vary depending on the training and experience of the chiropractor. For an example, if you go to your primary doctor for back pain, your doctor would mostly likely prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication. Medications are standardize so that you would be getting the same medication whichever doctor you go to see get your prescription.
However, if you go see a chiropractor, you may get a manual adjustment from one chiropractor, or spring-loaded instrument adjustment another chiropractor. Another one may use an ice pack and electric muscle stimulation along with an adjustment. Another one may yet still teach you how to stretch and give you a strong massage. Still yet another one may perform an esoteric technique that seems borderline faith healing. Chiropractors tend to practice their own particular way of delivering chiropractic care based on their past training and experience and philosophy. This is a strong positive and negative aspect of chiropractic. Positive in that you can get different types of treatment between different chiropractors unlike medical doctors, but negative in the fact that you can’t get standardized chiropractor care between chiropractors. Therefore, it is important to find a chiropractor whose treatment methods are best suited for your particular problem.
Most patients seek for chiropractic care most frequently for pain relief or recovery from injury. Thus, a chiropractor who focuses on treating pain and injury with multiple types of techniques and treatment technologies are often the best fit for a typical chiropractic patient. It would be wise to call up the chiropractic office you plan on visiting and find out what kind of conditions they usually treat and how they treat them. Below are the list of popular chiropractic treatment techniques and brief description of them. They will be useful in determining what kind of treatment a chiropractor performs. For you information, we perform a mix of these techniques at our office.
The most common way of chiropractic treatment with manual adjustment. This is what most patients envision when imaging chiropractic adjustment. Treatment are based on findings on the day of treatment visit.
Chiropractic manual adjustment based on detailed full-spine x-ray analysis. The way of adjusting and analysis is much more regimented than Diversified adjustment.
Chiropractic BioPhysics
Technique that focuses on improving poor posture using various specialized equipment such as sustained traction, drop tables, and specific exercises.
SOT or Sacro-Occipital Technique
Very gentle way of aligning the spine by using various cushions and bolsters. Often, SOT technique is effective in cases with atypical symptoms that do not improve with typical chiropractic care.
AK or Applied Kinesiology
Analysis and treatment based on muscle testing response to various manual test procedures. Treatment can range from manual and instrument adjustment and nutritional supplements. AK aims to improve the whole person, rather than just symptoms by many holistic ways.
Chiropractic instrument analysis and treatment technique using a spring-loaded adjusting instrument. It can be a good choice for people who cannot tolerate “cracking” the spine.
Thompson Drop Technique
A technique based on using a specialized table that has piece that drop down quickly to stimulate nerves. It can also be a good choice for people who cannot tolerate the manual adjustment.
Flexion Distraction Technique
A technique based on using an articulated table that gently bends the spine up and down to reduce pressure to the joint.